Prof Hines
Has professional experience of leading organizations, researching organizations, working with and in them to develop people. Prof Hines achieves results by helping others realise their own potential. He is a consultant, author, researcher and acknowledged thought leader. He contributes to workshops and international conferences as a keynote speaker.

Prof Hines has worked with leading organizations to develop managers and teams in the UK, Europe, USA, Dubai, Oman, China, South Korea, India, Sri Lanka and South Africa. He has worked across different industrial, commercial and public service sectors including:- fashion, geological extraction and mining industries, chemicals, commodity trading organizations, shipping and transportation, aerospace, finance, health services, social services, retailing and textiles.

Prof Hines research makes sense of organization strategies, structures and relationships to understand management decisions,  action and performance.

Prof Hines teaches Executive programmes and International Masters courses in Supply Chain Management, Global Marketing and Strategy. He also teaches Social Science Research Methods to Doctoral Candidates and to other research degree students. He delivers Master Classes on Value Management in the Supply Chain. He is the leading advocate of customer focused supply chains. 

He has authored a number of books related to his interests including recently the highly acclaimed Supply Chain Strategies published by Routledge.
List of publications
Prof Hines has contributed pieces on globalization, demise of the MFA, retailing, food miles, fashion trends, supply chains, crowdsourcing, personal finance, demise of high street shopping, negotiating bargain buys, emotionomics and the failure of economics. He has featured on 'You and yours' BBC Radio 4 on high street retailing, TV News on retail closures and successes. He contributed to the BBC News Magazine, "It's fashion darling" by Denise Winterman. and to Retailing Tricks on 'Good Morning Scotland'. Open to offers...

Speaking Engagements

Prof Hines is always in demand as a stimulating, thought provoking and engaging keynote speaker.

As an after dinner speaker at the Society of Dyers and Colourists he was able to link technological innovations in textiles with eco fashion, the aesthetics of color and business priorities to meet consumer challenges.

He regularly speaks to Doctoral Researchers about research priorities, methods of doing research and types of knowledge contribution.

Prof Hines was a keynote speaker at the Annual Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry where he examined the topic of 'Avoiding Icebergs - Volatility, Visibility and Risk in the Clothing Supply Chain'. 

Prof Hines was keynote speaker at the Council for Supply Chain Management Professionals Conference held in Barcelona where he spoke on the topic of enabling customer focused supply chains.


Prof Hines was invited to CSCMP in Barcelona as a "Thought Leader" to talk about his  7V Framework Enabling Customer Focused Supply Chains. All organizations need ways of enabling a customer focused supply chain. Mega trends, innovative technologies, the resource revolution, the ever-changing demands of fickle customers, digital disruptions, data streams, complex multichannel management, and leadership capabilities, all affect the ways in which we manage supply chain structures, strategies and relationships. Organizations need to consider carefully how their supply chains deliver the customer promise. They need to balance risk and reward. Each supply chain configuration may differ but they have a common root from which to develop their strategies: The 7Vs. Organizations have to align operational practices with strategies to achieve the strategic mission. Value is key to unlocking customer focused supply chain strategies. Organizations must not only consider their own value chain but the value chains of others that make up the supply network and most importantly focus their strategies and actions on the needs of the end customer. Value to the customer is determined managing the 7Vs: Volume-volatility, Velocity, Variety, Variability, Visibility, Virtuality and Value. Developing strategies adopting the 7V Framework has to be balanced against what competitors do to satisfy customers together with external constraints and internal cost considerations.

Contact Prof Hines

ASBCI Industry Conference​

"Risk and uncertainty are two variables affecting supply chains. Risk can be managed whereas uncertainty is unpredictable." Prof Hines.

The Association of Suppliers to the British Clothing Industry (ASBCI), recently welcomed a world-class panel of leading industry professionals and academics from fashion consultancies, supply chain, retail,technology, law and academia to discuss ‘Fashion’s New Frontiers – What’s Next?’ An audience of 130 delegates heard how trust and strategic collaboration will help stakeholders meet the increasingly challenging demands of the retail and online clothing sector.

Professor Tony Hines, addressed delegates with his ‘Iceberg Theory’ which identified time, cost and value as the three things needing management in the supply chain in order to serve the customer better and faster. Hines said more collaboration is needed to enhance visibility as speed was ‘the aim of the game’. He spoke of the consumer wanting a good deal and how they know to anticipate price fluctuations before making a purchase, which builds increased pressure on price flexibility. Also, with green issues high on the agenda retailers need to rethink how products are moved especially with the demand for fast fashion not showing any sign of slowing down. Nearshore production could be the answer to lowering risk, cutting lead times, and freight and compliance costs could be brought down providing better control for managing volatility. “Outsourcing is high risk but this may be lowered through contract, compliance and giving control to a vertical supply chain” concluded Hines.

Source: ASBCI Press Review